Friday, June 3, 2011

8 months!

How far along: 32 weeks 4 days
Size of baby: About 3.7 lbs, 16.7 inches long
Maternity clothes: I still wear mostly maternity clothes when going out. I'm collecting more, but can still wear some of my pre-pregnancy clothes, depending on how roomy the style is!
Movement: Most movement now is on my left side near my ribs. Baby is still head-down and her back is along my right side, legs to the left. I've felt a few bouts of hiccups--so cute!
Sleep: Now that I'm on a drug regimen for heartburn, I'm sleeping pretty well!
Symptoms: I'm trying to get lots of things done with my days off, but feel that I wear out more quickly. Joints are achy after standing/walking a lot. I'm starting to notice a little swelling also (thanks to the 90-degree weather here!)
Nursery Progress: We ordered a dresser that is low enough to double as a changing station. We've also been receiving some gifts in the mail for the baby. It makes me so happy every time I get to add something to the nursery!
Labor Signs: More frequent/stronger Braxton Hicks contractions.
What I miss: Walking into my closet and fitting into anything I choose.
What I'm looking forward to: Baby shower this Sunday!
Next appointment: June 15

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