Wednesday, June 22, 2011

35 weeks

How far along: 35 weeks 2 days
Size of baby: About 5.5 lbs, 18.2 inches long (one website says the size of a cantaloupe!)
Movement: I feel lots of movement each day. Sometimes I can just feel her wiggling around and sometimes I feel a limb pushing across my stomach. Bryce and I enjoy tapping at what we think are her feet and getting kicked back. It never gets old!
Sleep: I'm still doing okay, but I'm progressively getting up more times through the night to use the bathroom. Fortunately, my flexible work schedule allows lots of daytime naps.
Symptoms: Swelling has finally made its debut! I shouldn't be surprised, since it's been so hot. The tops of my feet almost always look puffy now, and my fingers are definitely more swollen than usual.
Best moment of the week: Collecting some of the last few items we need (travel system, mattress, diaper pail, etc.). I am feeling much better now that we have a carseat to take her home in.
Food cravings: I wouldn't necessarily call it a craving, but I sure am enjoying pop-ices.
Labor Signs: Only more frequent and stronger Braxton-Hicks contractions.
What I miss: My ankle bones...oh, and I've had to give up my wedding rings. I thought I might have to get them cut off the other night.
What I'm looking forward to: Adding the finishing decorative touches to the nursery. We have most of the furniture (minus the glider) and I am excited to get some things on the walls!
Next appointment: June 29 (the final 2-week appt, then we go once a week)

We're so close to the one-month countdown!

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