Thursday, January 12, 2012

Pearly White

For the past month or more, Macy has been chewing on everything she gets her hands on and drooling to the point where she developed a little red rash around her mouth. I figured teeth were on the horizon, and I was right! This week while playing with Macy, she opened her mouth to babble and I spotted a little white bud on her lower gums.

I'm not thrilled about this, since I'm still nursing her, but it is exciting to see her develop and grow. It's definitely a milestone! No pictures of the tooth bud yet (it's hard to even get a good glimpse!) but I will keep you posted. For now, I will miss this gummy smile.

1 comment:

  1. the toothy smile is sweet too! lydia never bit me with her bottom teeth...i think their tongue generally guards you from that. :) hoping she's not too crabby. Lydia has a rough time with teething (we're currently going through it!)
