Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Half Birthday

I can't believe this little cutie is six months old!

Last week Macy had her six month appointment. Here are her stats:

Length: 26 inches
Weight: 15 pounds 13 ounces

So much has changed in the past month...

Clothing size: Macy is still wearing some 3-month onesies and pants, but she is transitioning to 6-month clothes. She can only fit into 6-month sleepers. Diaper size is 2, but not for much longer!

Diet: Macy is still nursing, but we've added solid foods recently. She has tried oatmeal, green beans, and peas. She seems to like them all, but makes some pretty hilarious facial expressions during the first few bites. We just started giving Macy a sippy cup with water to practice drinking from it.

Sleeping: With a little help from some sleep training, Macy is finally sleeping through the night! She goes to bed about 7pm and wakes up about 7am. Her naps are still variable, ranging from 30 minutes to over 2 hours long.

Development: This month Macy started sitting up on her own. I still have to keep a hand close by in case she topples over, but she's getting better all the time. Macy can pass toys from one hand to the other, but she generally puts the toy in her mouth at some point. She is grabbing for everything, especially non-toy items. Macy has also cut her first teeth! She now has two pearly whites on the bottom gums. She smiles and coos a lot. We get little laughs here and there, but she hasn't cut loose with a belly laugh yet. Her newborn hair has been falling out and her big girl hair is growing in. It looks like Macy will have brown hair and blue eyes (perhaps with a little bit of green).

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