Thursday, July 14, 2011

38 weeks!

How far along: 38 weeks 3 days
Size of baby: About 6.5 lbs, 19.5 inches long
Movement: I feel movement throughout the day and night. It's more like whole-body wiggling now with some occasional jabs from her feet in my ribs.
Sleep: This unfortunately is getting worse...I feel more restless and have trouble staying comfortable for long. My hips hurt from sleeping on my sides and my arms occasionally fall asleep. I take naps fairly often.
Symptoms: I still have swelling in my hands and feet (thank goodness for flip-flops!). I notice stronger and more frequent Braxton-Hicks contractions now and am just waiting for those to turn into labor contractions!
Best moment of the week: We had another ultrasound to make sure the baby was doing well and the fluid levels were good (all is well, by the way). It was so fun to see her again. This time the ultrasound tech pointed out the hair on her head! I'm hoping for lots of crazy baby hair :)
Labor Signs: At my appointment this week, the doctor said I was approaching 2cm dilated, 20% effaced. We scheduled an induction date in case I don't go into labor on my own.
What I miss: I miss most everything about not being pregnant...being able to wear anything in my closet, sushi, wine, a good night of sleep with minimal trips to the bathroom, bending over without grunting, etc. I'm trying to keep it all in perspective and enjoy these last "simple" days of my life.
What I'm looking forward to: Finally meeting this little girl! We are so ready...
Next appointment: July 20


  1. Emily you look great. Enjoy these last few days. How fun that the tech saw hair..hopefully she'll keep some of it unlike Lydia :) I CANT WAIT to see what she looks like. I'm thinking its a guaranteed thing that she's going to be beautiful!!

  2. Thanks Hannah! We're so excited to see who she looks like!
