Thursday, May 5, 2011

Third trimester and ultrasound

Today was my 28 week appointment with an ultrasound. Under normal circumstances, we would not have had this extra ultrasound, but last time my fundal height was measuring a little large. So, the doctor said we'd take a look at an ultrasound to see why. Everything turned out to be normal, and it was great to see our little girl again! She is lying sideways across my belly, which probably accounts for some of the discrepancy in size.

Her little balled-up fists

She had her feet up by her head

Profile picture

She looks like a little doll baby!

Facing us-we could see the lens of her eye

Here you can see the bottom half of her face with an open mouth

Me at 28 weeks- still feeling good overall but occasionally having some achy joints. Excited to be in the third trimester and can't wait to meet this little girl!


  1. So happy for you guys. You look great. She'll be here before you know it. And then she'll be 5 months old :)

    That picture looking straight on toward her face (the one where you said she looked like a doll baby) is precious! most of the time those make them look alien-like...her's is super cute!

  2. I can't wait to get my hands on her!
