Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pretty Little Things

When I first found out that we were having a girl, I got so excited about buying frilly pink and purple things. However, when I started shopping I realized how particular I was about my first purchases for her. There are lots of cute clothes for baby girls out there, but I wanted the first outfits I bought for her to be "keepers". I envisioned something I would save and show her years down the road as the first outfits I ever bought her.

After much shopping, I finally found THE ones. The Children's Place happened to have two perfect outfits that made me smile when I thought about dressing her up in them.

This is an adorable blue and white seersucker dress with cloth flowers lining the bottom. I found a white sun hat with a bow that looked like it belonged. The tiny white shoes are compliments of Auntie Erica!

This lilac two-piece outfit is my absolute favorite! The frilly tutu-like skirt is exactly what I was hoping to find to play dress-up with my little girl. The headband is just the icing on top of the whole outfit. This reminds me of a poofy purple dress I practically lived in when I was little.

Bonus picture: Another pretty little thing blooming outside our house. I love these peonies!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

30 weeks

Today I'm just over thirty weeks...only 10 to go! Time has really been flying by lately, especially knowing there is much to do to prepare for this baby.

I've seen pregnancy surveys on several blogs, so I thought I'd include my own to share some more info about how I'm feeling...

How far along: 30 weeks 2 days
Size of baby: About 3 lbs, 15.7 inches long
Maternity clothes: I am slowly collecting them and generally wear mostly maternity clothes when we go out. For work, the scrubs I wear are one size larger than I wore pre-pregnancy. At home, I still wear my old sweatpants and Bryce's t-shirts (though I'm not sure how much longer those will last)!
Movement: I feel her move at several random times throughout the day, but pretty consistently when relaxing after dinner and while lying down to go to sleep at night. I feel kicks and punches on the sides of my stomach. Today the Dr. said she believes the baby is head-down, but I'm still feeling jabs on both sides.
Sleep: For quite awhile now I've had to fall asleep on my side (I was always a stomach-sleeper). I hug a big body pillow, which makes things relatively comfortable. Lately it's been more challenging to flop my big belly from side to side throughout the night.
Symptoms: The worst symptom I've had so far was severe heartburn Monday night. It was hard to sleep, even when I propped myself up with lots of pillows. Last night was back to normal, so fingers crossed that it doesn't happen again! Aside from the one bout of heartburn, I'm still feeling well. My joints are a little achy if I stand for long periods of time.
Best moment of the week: Getting our nursery painted! Thanks again Viki!
Food cravings: None lately.
Labor Signs: Not so far. I have some Braxton Hicks contractions occasionally, but no pain.
What I miss: I won't lie, I miss the occasional glass of wine! Also, sushi. I've (easily) convinced Bryce to take me for sushi and wine directly after I deliver this baby :)
What I'm looking forward to: Decorating the nursery. I'm browsing to get ideas and hope to start soon!
Next appointment: June 1

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Miss Peter's Paint

We've got color!

Thanks to my Aunt Viki for making the trip to Indianapolis to paint our nursery! She painted the walls a beautiful light sage green to match the bedding we selected from Pottery Barn Kids.

Link to our bedding

I have a vision of a calming nursery that is cute and also girly. We still have lots of work to do in the next 2 1/2 months, but now that the walls are painted, I can start hunting for accessories and decorating!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Third trimester and ultrasound

Today was my 28 week appointment with an ultrasound. Under normal circumstances, we would not have had this extra ultrasound, but last time my fundal height was measuring a little large. So, the doctor said we'd take a look at an ultrasound to see why. Everything turned out to be normal, and it was great to see our little girl again! She is lying sideways across my belly, which probably accounts for some of the discrepancy in size.

Her little balled-up fists

She had her feet up by her head

Profile picture

She looks like a little doll baby!

Facing us-we could see the lens of her eye

Here you can see the bottom half of her face with an open mouth

Me at 28 weeks- still feeling good overall but occasionally having some achy joints. Excited to be in the third trimester and can't wait to meet this little girl!