Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Macy is 8 months old!

This week Macy turned 8 months old. Her personality is blossoming and she impresses us with new developments all the time.

Once again, there was no appointment with the doctor this month, so I'm just guessing that she weighs about 18 lbs.

Clothing size: Macy is still wearing a lot of her 6-month clothing, but I just stuck her in a 9-month onesie today and it fit well. She also graduated tonight to a pair of 9-month pajamas that looked slightly big, but will work. As was the case last month, she enjoys pulling bows out of her hair. Occasionally she will forget the bow is there, but eventually her hand will wander up to her hair and she will discover the invader and pull it out. If I leave it out then, her hand continues to search for the phantom bow.

Diet: In addition to nursing several times a day, Macy is eating 3 meals of pureed food. She generally eats a fruit with cereal for breakfast, fruit or vegetable for lunch, and vegetable with cereal for dinner. Snacks include Cheerios (a favorite), yogurt melts, and fruit that she eats through a mesh bag with a handle (genius invention!). She enjoys drinking water from her sippy cup and has been interested in tasting the water out of my cup as well. She seems to be a pro at feeding herself now, though we do end up with the occasional Cheerio casualty.

Sleeping: No changes to report here. She still goes to sleep around 7pm, wakes up around 4am for a feeding, then sleeps until 7 or 8am. She naps twice a day.

Development: Macy is close to crawling, but doesn't quite have the guts to move all of her limbs when she's on all fours. She rocks back and forth and will move an arm or leg a little bit, but then usually ends up on her belly. She is now rolling both back to belly and belly to back and enjoys exploring all corners of her crib. She enjoys activities that involve standing and loves to bounce in her doorway jumper. Macy is playing on her own more and more.
She also likes to babble. Her favorites are "da da", "ma ma", "ya ya", and "ba ba". Sometimes she'll throw a "na na" in there also. Her third tooth just broke through the gums (top left incisor). She has handled it well, though the teething seemed to be in conjunction with the end of a cold. Yes...Macy finally got her first cold. It was sad for me to hear her coughing at night and know there wasn't much I could do about it. She hated having her nose wiped, but oddly didn't seem to mind the bulb suction. After about a week and a half, she is finally better and back to her happy self.
This week Macy started playing peekaboo. My dad first saw her in her crib pulling the blanket over her face, then uncovering it. Now she plays while we are actually around. She opens her mouth wide and smiles when we say "there you are!"

Likes: Cheerios, most fruits, doorway jumper (for a limited period of time), being outside/taking walks, dogs, watching other kids play, Dad**

**Not that she doesn't like Mom, but Bryce was gone for several days visiting friends this week and when he finally came home, Macy could hardly contain her excitement. She got the biggest smile on her face, and then tensed up and stopped breathing for a little bit! She would hide her face, then look up at him again and smile. It was hilarious to watch. She was obviously SO excited to see him and just didn't know what to do with herself.

Her first experience sitting in grass. "Get me out of this stuff!"

Dislikes: Any time we lie her down on the changing table, whether it's for a diaper change or wardrobe change. She doesn't care for peas and sometimes does not like when I leave her sight. She also fears the vacuum cleaner.

It's been a great month and we're so excited to welcome Spring!

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