Yesterday Macy turned 5 months old. We now know what the books and websites mean when they say this is the "honeymoon stage" of infancy. She has become so fun and interactive! Bryce and I find ourselves doing such silly things to make Macy smile and laugh. We don't have a doctor's appointment this month, so I'm not certain on the stats...
Weight: Roughly 14 1/2 lbs (according to bathroom scale)
Clothing size: Still wearing mostly 3 month clothes, but starting to transition to 3-6 month clothes. She is especially becoming too long for the footed pajamas
Diet: Macy is still exclusively drinking breastmilk. After reading more about introducing solid foods, I am going to try to go a full 6 months feeding her breastmilk only, then begin to introduce solids. Things are going very well and she's consistently growing in the 75th percentile.
Sleep: Not much has changed here in the past month. Macy sleeps from 7:30pm-8am, usually waking up twice to nurse. During the day she takes naps after being awake for 2 hours. That usually amounts to one nap in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one early evening. The naps have slowly increased from 30 minutes to about 45 (with a few 2-hour naps sprinkled in!)
We have enjoyed Macy so much and are excited for changes to come. Having a baby this holiday season has added an extra element of fun for me. I look forward to starting traditions with her like baking, singing Christmas carols, shopping, visiting Santa, and watching Christmas movies. Happy holidays to everyone!
she is just so cute! she seems like a really happy baby! will you guys be coming the the skeeters' christmas on the 30th? hope to see you guys!