Saturday, December 31, 2011

Macy's First Snow

We really haven't had much snow in Indianapolis so far this year. So, it wasn't until we went to Goshen for Christmas that Macy got to wake up to a beautiful snowfall. She seemed to enjoy it!

Our house decorated for Christmas

Merry Christmas, Baby!

We just returned from a week of Christmas fun! First, we spent several days in Lexington with Bryce's family, then we headed to Goshen to spend some time with mine. I had a lot of fun this year buying little presents for Macy and dreaming up traditions I'd like to start with her when she's older.

Macy was so much fun over the holidays and was very pleasant despite 12 hours in the car. She is becoming more alert and aware of her surroundings all the time. She has become interested in things around her that are not toys and wants to grab them! I have to keep an eye on her all of the time now.

Getting into presents--she is sitting up by herself quite well now!

Her first Christmas tree at Granna & Papa's

Some fun with the cousins: Macy & Carly

Jace, Gavin, and Spencer
Macy, Hudson, and Carter

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

5 months!

Yesterday Macy turned 5 months old. We now know what the books and websites mean when they say this is the "honeymoon stage" of infancy. She has become so fun and interactive! Bryce and I find ourselves doing such silly things to make Macy smile and laugh. We don't have a doctor's appointment this month, so I'm not certain on the stats...

Weight: Roughly 14 1/2 lbs (according to bathroom scale)

Clothing size: Still wearing mostly 3 month clothes, but starting to transition to 3-6 month clothes. She is especially becoming too long for the footed pajamas

Diet: Macy is still exclusively drinking breastmilk. After reading more about introducing solid foods, I am going to try to go a full 6 months feeding her breastmilk only, then begin to introduce solids. Things are going very well and she's consistently growing in the 75th percentile.

Sleep: Not much has changed here in the past month. Macy sleeps from 7:30pm-8am, usually waking up twice to nurse. During the day she takes naps after being awake for 2 hours. That usually amounts to one nap in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one early evening. The naps have slowly increased from 30 minutes to about 45 (with a few 2-hour naps sprinkled in!)

Development: Macy recently started sitting up briefly on her own. She grabs things easily now and everything that goes in her hands goes straight to her mouth. She is rolling from tummy to back, but doesn't travel far (yet). Macy loves her exersaucer and doorway jumper. She really enjoys standing and exploring toys with her hands. She has also started more of a belly laugh this month. Bryce plays peekaboo with her, which apparently is hilarious! No teeth yet, but she loves to chew. Macy has discovered her feet and loves to grab her toes while I change her diaper.

We have enjoyed Macy so much and are excited for changes to come. Having a baby this holiday season has added an extra element of fun for me. I look forward to starting traditions with her like baking, singing Christmas carols, shopping, visiting Santa, and watching Christmas movies. Happy holidays to everyone!

Friday, December 16, 2011

First Visit with Santa

Today I took Macy to visit Santa. The line was very short and Macy behaved so well! I couldn't get her to smile (Bryce wasn't there to make high-pitched noises or dance around), but at least she didn't cry...

She's bound to get something good in her stocking this year!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

California Girls

Macy, Bryce, and I were lucky enough to spend the week in southern California last week. Bryce's company (Stego Industries) is based in Orange County, so we make the trip annually. Bryce had work meetings throughout the week, so Macy and I spent time with Bryce's co-workers' wives. We shopped a lot, but also spent time relaxing, sitting on patios to eat, drink, and enjoy the 70-degree weather, and visiting the ocean.

This was Macy's first flight and she did wonderfully! She slept a lot in my arms, but when she was awake, she was pleasant most of the time. When we got off of the plane and exited the airport in Orange County, Macy got her first glimpse of a palm tree and smiled. Maybe she's a warm-weather girl like her mom!

On Friday we wrapped up the week with a brunch for the women and the Stego Christmas party. The company and food were all wonderful, as usual. It was a great way to get us into the Christmas spirit. Something about palm trees wrapped in white lights warms my heart...

Macy posing after brunch

Monday, December 12, 2011

So Thankful

We had such a great time with family over Thanksgiving. We were able to travel to Lexington and Goshen and had lots of good food. These holidays are a bit more hectic with new babies on both sides of the family, but it is so much fun! We are obviously thankful for even more this year. Macy has added so much to our lives and we are fortunate to have her!

Granna and Papa with all the grandkids

Grandpa and Grandma with Macy and Carly