Sunday, November 20, 2011

4 Months Old

Yesterday our sweet little girl turned 4 months old! Her appointment went well this month. Here are her stats:

Length: 25 inches (90th percentile)
Weight: 14 lbs 3 oz (75th percentile)
Head: 16.5 inches (75th percentile)

Clothing size: Macy is comfortably wearing 3-month clothes now. She just transitioned to size 2 diapers.

Diet: Just breastmilk. We're experimenting with different methods of delivering the milk though, including nursing, a bottle, a spoon and a sippy cup. I'm considering starting cereal when she turns 5 months old.

Sleep: The big accomplishment this month was to get Macy to take naps on her own. I used to hold her for many of her naps since she would wake up as soon as I put her down. Now though, we have her taking several naps a day (30-45 min) in her crib. At night, she sleeps from about 7:30pm-7am and wakes up once or twice to nurse. In the last week I started giving the "dream feed" a try (feeding her right before we go to bed at about 10:30pm while she is still asleep). It has helped to push back her first wakening a couple of hours. That longer stretch of sleep is bliss for me!

Development: This was a big month! Macy started batting at her toys and then grabbing them. Everything she grabs goes right to the mouth! She enjoys sucking on her hands and drooling. She has become very vocal lately. She shrieks and coos loudly and babbles all the time (especially when watching sports). She smiles at herself in the mirror and has even started a small laugh. Macy loves standing up, so we pulled out the exersaucer and doorway jumper and she has had a great time with those. Last week she rolled over for the first time. She still smiles constantly and is especially happy in the morning.

Likes: Baths (she is really splashing around now and sucks on her washcloth), doorway jumper, linked colorful plastic rings, standing up, Mom and Dad's goofy noises and faces

Dislikes: Being left alone, long car rides, having sleeves put on, being lotioned up

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

She's Rolling!

I was thrilled to catch Macy's first roll ever on video this morning. Sorry the clip is was early :)

Friday, November 11, 2011

Every Day She's Shufflin'

We found a new form of entertainment! Happy Friday!

Macy Blows a Raspberry

Hang in there until the end when she blows a good one! (Don't mind my background noises.) Eye-rubbing due to Macy boycotting her morning nap :)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

My First DIY Project for Macy

Macy got a visit from Bryce's mom (aka Granna) on her 16-week birthday. While Cyndie was here, she was kind enough to teach me how to sew on her sewing machine. The last time I sewed anything was way back in home-ec class (some 12 or 13 years ago I think...).

The projects this time were burp cloths and seatbelt covers for Macy's carseat. Cyndie was very helpful and I had lots of fun. I was fairly pleased with the end result, though they are far from perfect. Now I'm searching for what to do next!

Macy sporting her new seatbelt covers. Goal: eliminate red marks on her neck caused by the edges of the seatbelt

Seatbelt covers with velcro. We used the same material that Cyndie used for Macy's quilt here

Visit from the Grandparents

This week Macy got visits from both my parents and Bryce's mom. What a lucky girl! Unfortunately, both sets of grandparents live 3 hours from us, so Macy doesn't get to visit with them as often as we'd like. We had a great time and Grandma Jan, Grandpa Steve, and Granna all got to see how quickly Macy is changing.

The weather was beautiful when my parents came, so we went for a walk on a nearby nature trail. When Cyndie came to visit, she spent time helping me add another domestic skill to my repertoire--sewing (pictures of our projects will be in the next blog post). I'm excited to practice and start making cute things for Macy!

Story time with Grandma and rides with Grandpa

Friday, November 4, 2011

First Trip to the Zoo

This week I took Macy to the zoo with some DePauw friends and their kids. Although Macy is only 3 1/2 months old, it was clear that she enjoyed the trip! The weather was sunny and quite warm for the beginning of November. Most of the animals were out and active. It has been several years since I have been to the zoo, so I had a great time too!

Macy and Grace (3 weeks apart) ready to hit the road!

Mesmerized by the fish

Enjoying the cute penguins

The girls watching dolphins in the underwater viewing dome. They were fascinated!

Macy was a little worn out by the time we got to the bears

I'm looking forward to taking her again in the spring when she can really appreciate what's going on!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Bouncing Baby Ballerina

For Macy's first Halloween I just had to dress her in hot pink frills. I had a lot of fun turning her into a ballerina and showing her off around the neighborhood. We went over to visit the Millis family so Macy and Mackenzie could pose in their adorable outfits. How cute!

Macy especially enjoyed chewing on something new!

Macy the ballerina and Mackenzie the elephant