No appointment this month, so I'm guessing:
Length: 24.5-25 inches
Weight: 13 lbs (according to our bathroom scale)
Clothing size: Macy is wearing mostly 0-3 month clothes. Some brands of 3 month clothes are small enough for her, but some are still too long.
Diet: Still breastfeeding. She eats about 3-4 ounces every 2-3 hours. I'm hoping to try rice cereal after her 4-month appointment in November.
Sleep: We've fluctuated between waking up once and twice a night for feedings. A few times Macy has slept 7-hour stretches and last night she had her first 8-hour stretch! I was thrilled. We're attempting earlier bedtimes due to nighttime fussiness. Macy also needs to be convinced to take naps during the day (unless we're in the car). I guess life is too exciting while the sun is shining!
Development: Macy is doing much better with tummy time and holds her head up well. She sucks on her hands often. Still no rolling yet, but she can really rock her lower body when she gets upset. Macy is smiling and cooing often. She experiments with vowel sounds and "guh" sounds.
Likes: Baths, staring out the window, standing with support, stuffed Lamaze inchworm
Dislikes: Outfit changes, evenings (we hope an earlier bedtime fixes this), long car trips, waking up from naps
she's so cute! glad she is giving you some longer stretches of sleep at night! I hope we get to meet her around Christmas time!!