Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Month Old!

Yesterday our little Macy turned one month old! She certainly has changed a lot in our eyes. We had our one month doctor visit yesterday and here are her stats:

Length: 22" (20.5 at birth), 83rd percentile
Head: 15" (13.25 at birth), 76th percentile
Weight: 9 lbs 11.5 oz (6 lbs 14 oz at birth), 65th percentile

We could tell Macy was filling out in the face (see obvious double chin) and that she was growing in length as her newborn sleepers are becoming a little tight. She can still extend her legs in them, but not for much longer!

Sleep: Macy generally sleeps pretty well. She is awake most of the morning with the exception of little cat naps. Once evening rolls around, Macy gets pretty sleepy and stays that way basically all night. She does get up every 3 hours or so to nurse. We feel fortunate that she seems to know that night time is for sleep and goes back to sleep fairly quickly after nursing and getting her diaper changed.

Development: Over the past week or so Bryce has noted Macy tracking his face as it moves in front of hers. She is also doing well at holding her head up during tummy time. I have had her in her Bumbo seat and she sits upright quite well for awhile. Macy is making lots of little coos and grunts each day. They're adorable! The other day during her nap she rolled up onto her side and slept that way for awhile. She's getting strong!

We have had so much fun with her and feel so fortunate to have a healthy and beautiful baby girl!

1 comment:

  1. what a cutie!! and a chunk!! already so close to 10 lbs.
