Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The Nursery

Since I never got around to showing pictures of the nursery before little Macy was born, here they are!

Dresser and changing station

Artwork from Galerie Anais on Etsy

Crib with mobile of tissue paper poms (made by me)

Bedding from Pottery Barn Kids, sock monkey was a gift from Grandma Jan (from "For Your Child & Mine Boutique on Etsy)

Antique plates a gift from Granna (Cyndie)

Three mirrors from a consignment store (I painted them silver)

I'm very happy with how the room turned out. I'm still looking for the perfect glider for the nursery, so if anyone has a suggestion let me know!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

One Month Old!

Yesterday our little Macy turned one month old! She certainly has changed a lot in our eyes. We had our one month doctor visit yesterday and here are her stats:

Length: 22" (20.5 at birth), 83rd percentile
Head: 15" (13.25 at birth), 76th percentile
Weight: 9 lbs 11.5 oz (6 lbs 14 oz at birth), 65th percentile

We could tell Macy was filling out in the face (see obvious double chin) and that she was growing in length as her newborn sleepers are becoming a little tight. She can still extend her legs in them, but not for much longer!

Sleep: Macy generally sleeps pretty well. She is awake most of the morning with the exception of little cat naps. Once evening rolls around, Macy gets pretty sleepy and stays that way basically all night. She does get up every 3 hours or so to nurse. We feel fortunate that she seems to know that night time is for sleep and goes back to sleep fairly quickly after nursing and getting her diaper changed.

Development: Over the past week or so Bryce has noted Macy tracking his face as it moves in front of hers. She is also doing well at holding her head up during tummy time. I have had her in her Bumbo seat and she sits upright quite well for awhile. Macy is making lots of little coos and grunts each day. They're adorable! The other day during her nap she rolled up onto her side and slept that way for awhile. She's getting strong!

We have had so much fun with her and feel so fortunate to have a healthy and beautiful baby girl!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 2: Heavyweight champ

This week Macy had her 2 week doctor appointment. We were shocked to find out she is up to 8 lbs 1 oz! She was born at 6 lbs 14 oz and left the hospital at 6 lbs 7 oz. I read that newborns should be back up to their birth weight by 2 weeks, so we were surprised by the weight gain. The pediatrician was very pleased! Macy is a great eater. She is eating breastmilk exclusively every 2-3 hours.

Double chin is proof of the weight gain!

We've had lots of fun with her over these two weeks. We love just staring at her and laugh at all of her goofy facial expressions and sounds. Macy is still a pretty happy baby and behaves so well (mostly sleeping) when I take her on errands with me and go for walks through the neighborhood. I'm having to get used to waking up 2-3 times a night for feedings and diaper changes. Fortunately, Macy loves to take naps together so I can recharge during the day. She also has longer periods of alertness during the day, which is fun. We see little smiles here and there and are thinking (hoping) she is looking at us and maybe recognizing us and our voices.

Trying out the new swing