This Tuesday Macy turned a week old. It seems like time is flying! Bryce and I have had many moments where we feel like this whole experience is surreal and can't believe Macy is finally here and home with us. She has been an absolute dream baby. We often remark at how good she is and wonder how long this phase will last.
Macy has been so easy on us. She has such a calm, pleasant demeanor and while awake, she simply sits with her eyes wide open and takes in the surroundings. She only cries when something is wrong (i.e. needs a diaper change, is hungry, etc). Even those crying spells are very brief. At first, Macy cried through diaper changes and change of clothes, but she is becoming much more tolerant of those now.
At our pediatrician's suggestion, we have Macy sleeping in a bassinet in our room. The bassinet is a restored hand-me-down from Bryce's dad. He and his brothers slept in it, and now all of the grandkids have too. We feed Macy before she goes to sleep at night, and she only wakes us up twice to eat throughout the night. Since I am breastfeeding, I am the only one who can feed her. However, Bryce is very eager to help burp her and change her diaper when I am finished. After a week, we have a system developed where we both are getting plenty of sleep.
Macy is our entertainment now. Bryce and I both have time off from our jobs and spend lots of time staring at Macy to take in all her facial expressions and soak up her personality. She has given us quite a few smiles (unintentionally, I'm sure). Either way, they are adorable and make me laugh! She gets hiccups all the time and sneezes quite a bit too. Her little baby coos are so cute. Here is a link to a video with a smile (I tried to upload the video here, but there was an error):
We have been overwhelmed by the love, support, gifts, and meals from friends and family. We feel so loved and are excited every time Macy gets to meet someone new. Thanks to everyone for your positive comments, advice, help, and support!