Wednesday, April 6, 2011

6 months!

This week we reached the 24-week mark and for some reason that seems like a milestone to me. Six months pregnant sure sounds far along, but I know I still (hopefully) have several months to go.

It's funny how the beginning of my pregnancy seemed to drag on forever, with each day feeling like a week. Now the time is flying by! With so much to do including registering for all the necessary items and planning the theme/decor of the nursery, I still feel I have quite a bit of work cut out for me this spring and summer. Fortunately, I have family and friends who are willing to help!

The bump at 24 weeks...seems to be rounding out a little more!

I'm continuing to feel well and enjoying feeling the kicks and movement throughout the day...and night, as of last night. Each position change during sleep brought on a barrage of kicks. Hopefully that's not the start of a trend!

It's finally springtime in Indianapolis! These are the first flower buds at our new house (with the exception of the flowers I already planted). We continue to look forward to the look of our new house with the surrounding plants in full bloom.

Bryce doing a little yard work. He is truly enjoying himself out there!

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