Monday, March 7, 2011

The Bump

I had Bryce start taking pictures of my profile at around 14 weeks. It has been fun to see the progression, so I thought I'd share how much I've grown in the past 6 weeks! As of today, I am halfway through this pregnancy.

I've been feeling well overall and am just coping with this constantly growing belly. I'm feeling big already and I know I still have a long way to go. It's becoming a challenge to find outfits that work and I'm venturing out now to buy maternity clothes. Just one of the many joys of pregnancy!

14 weeks

16 weeks

18 weeks

20 weeks


  1. Oh geez. Compared to your teeny tiny baby bump, I look like I'm having triplets : ). When you start to feel big, just come see me!

  2. so cute!!! congrats! so I'm guessing by the name of your blog you guys are having a boy??? and name will be Peter? super cute! looking forward to following along on the blog!
