Thursday, February 24, 2011

And it's a...

It's a girl!

Yesterday Bryce and I went to my ultrasound appointment together filled with excitement (and a little nervousness). The tech started from head to toe looking at the baby and taking lots of measurements. The detail of the ultrasound was pretty impressive. We saw the following:

Brain and skull measurements


Little skeleton head

Tiny little hand that was up by her face the whole time

Four-chambered heart beating at 145bpm

Teeny little foot- can't wait to grab those toes!

Profile with mouth open...likely laughing at us!

From what we could tell, everything looked normal and she measured perfectly for her age of 18 weeks and 2 days. We are so excited (well, Bryce is a normal amount of excited and I am pretty much giddy) that we are having a girl! I just can't wait to start shopping for pink frilly things. I can already envision a future of nail painting, dress-up, baking, shopping...


  1. Peter Skeeters is a GIRL!!!! I love the pictures!

  2. ha well I guessed wrong... hahah so happy that little peter is a girl. Oh she is going to be a doll I'm sure!!! Yay for a granddaughter for unc g and aunt c! You guys are going to be so in love! Bryce is going to melt as soon as he looks at her!

    p.s sorry I'm commenting so much. I'm catching up on all these posts while waiting to feed Lydia.
