Macy is 7 months old! It feels like time flies between these monthly updates. Macy doesn't have another doctor's appointment until she is 9 months old, so I'm not sure of her exact height and weight. My guess is she's about 27 inches long and weighs 17 lbs.
Clothing size: Macy has now outgrown all of her 3-month clothes and comfortably wears 6-month onesies and pants. I enjoy shopping for cute little girl clothes for her! Unfortunately she has become aware of the bows that I put in her hair on a daily basis and sometimes pulls them out. Guess I'll have to find some clips that actually stay in...
Diet: Macy is still nursing, but on top of that she has quite a diverse diet of fruits, vegetables, and baby cereal. She is also snacking on Cheerios and loves feeding herself (though they don't always make it into her mouth). She drinks easily from her sippy cup (just water).
Sleeping: We've backtracked a little in this category. For a little while, Macy slept through the night, but now she usually wakes up once at around 4:30am. I nurse her and she goes back to sleep for 2 or 3 more hours. I would prefer to eliminate this waking, but I have to remind myself that she is still sleeping a long stretch from 7pm-4:30am before waking. Naps have really improved. Macy is taking two naps now, ranging from about an hour to over 2 hours long.
Development: Macy is babbling and experimenting with consonants (ma ma, da da), but the words aren't associated with any particular thing or person. She is not rolling often or crawling yet, but when we put her up on all fours, she rocks back and forth a little bit. She is so perceptive and aware of her surroundings. It seems she is always taking in her environment.
Macy's demeanor is generally calm and relaxed. Our doctor called her a "chill baby", which is fine with us! She is almost always pleasant and happy. Lately though, she has been a little fussier than normal and I'm suspecting some more teeth might be on their way. She is still constantly putting things in her mouth. We can now leave Macy in a sitting position and she stays there without falling over for quite awhile. She can also stand if she is holding onto something (i.e. standing on couch looking over the back cushions). We're working on some sign language with her and are looking forward to her signing back.
Likes: Having her teeth brushed. Every time I pull out that little pink toothbrush she breaks into a big smile! She enjoys jumping in her doorway jumper. She's also become aware of the great outdoors when we go on walks. Instead of lying back in her seat, now she sits straight up and looks around. She loves peekaboo.
Dislikes: Wardrobe changes, car rides longer than 3 hours
We have lots of friends having babies this year and are so excited for Macy to meet all of her new friends!