Tuesday, September 27, 2011

2 months

On Friday Macy had her 2-month appointment with the pediatrician. She's changed so much in the past month!

Length: 24 inches (she grew 2 inches since her last appointment!)
Head: 15.5 inches
Weight: 11 lbs 10.5 ounces

Clothing size: Macy is still wearing newborn onesies and pants, but is now in 0-3 month sleepers (the girl is long!).

Diet: Just breastmilk...she eats every 2-3 hours during the day.

Sleep: Thankfully, Macy is sleeping 5-6 hour stretches now. She is quite easy to put to bed too. We give her a bottle around 10pm and put her down to sleep anywhere between 10:30 and 11. She generally lies awake in her crib for several minutes quiet and alert. She has started sucking her fist before she falls asleep on her own. Still no regular nap schedule, but she takes several small naps through the day.

Development: Boy, this girl smiles a lot! She is always in a wonderful mood in the morning and smiles and coos easily. Sometimes it sounds like she is close to laughing. Macy is tracking very well and watches us leave the room. Her head control really impressed the pediatrician. When she has tummy time, she rocks her lower body but hasn't rolled yet. Macy loves standing with support under her arms.

Likes: Activity mat with jittery monkey, her changing station, walks with Mom and Dad, bathtime

Dislikes: Getting out of the bath, outfit changes, waking up from naps, tummy time (hence the lower body rocking...she may just roll over soon!)

Fun on the activity mat!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Macy meets the twins!

Last weekend we went to Lexington so we could hang out with Bryce's family. Corey and Laura were there from Georgia so we had fun introducing Macy to her cousins! It was her first time meeting Carter and Hudson, who are 6 months old. Of course we had to pose them!

Hudson, Macy, and Carter

Want to hold hands?

Granna and Papa with Macy


Enjoying a walk on a beautiful day in Lexington

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Carly and Macy finally meet!

Last week we welcomed a new addition to our family...Carly Graber Sensenig, daughter of my sister Amanda and her husband Jesse. The girls were born 6 weeks apart and we were thrilled to get them together for the first time last weekend. Clearly they had no idea what was going on, but we sure had fun!

They love each other already :)

One of the many silly things we'll make them do together

Pretty mama and baby

Proud dad!

She's so tiny!

Dads hard at work burping the little ones

Biggie and Smalls

Grandpa and Grandma with the girls

Happy families!